
Music collaboration platform

You want to play with other musicians, but you don’t have a band, your musician friends live too far away?

You wish to share your musical universe in an original way, to touch your fans by allowing them to play with you?

Discover imujam.

mockup imujam


Like Youtube, imujam allows you to browse through the different videos.

But here, it is only about music, you can search for videos by style and especially by instrument.


Do you like a rhythmic line or a melody?

Practice alone from your home to accompany the musicians of the platform.

mockup imujam


You are satisfied with your composition, you wish to contribute to a project, or simply initiate your own project?

Record yourself and merge your video with others to create a Jam.

The imujam technology

The imujam tool allows you to select the musicians you want to keep in the jam in an existing project.

If you are a bass player, for example, you can replace the bass player on the project you are participating in to take his place.

The tool then corrects the latency due to the web connection and your computer equipment, and merges your video with those of other musicians to create a new project.

mockup imujam

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